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How will this scheme contribute to economic growth in the area?

This scheme will contribute through the investment that tourism will bring into the area. This has been shown by the Eden project in Cornwall which has caused an economic renaissance in the county by contributing more than £1.7 billion to the local economy. We are hoping that our Biodome attraction will do the same to the London Docklands area.


What sectors of the economy will it seek to target?

The new Millennium Mills site will target the service sector of the economy by providing areas for retail and areas for tourism with the three new attractions; the Biodome, Street Food Market and the Silo D Café. This will provide a range of different attractions which will interest a wide range of people.

Furthermore, the biotech hub will be targeting the science sector of the economy, where new technologies and investigation into new species will be discovered. 



How will it help rebrand the area?

The new development will drastically help to rebrand the area as it provides a new place to go for local and will help to bring visitors in. This will help make the whole site and the surrounding area more vibrant with more people being around during the day and evenings. This should help to change the perception of the area to a place where people want to go and visit or even live in. 


What mechanism will be put in place to link with existing businesses, increase skills in the local community and ensure local employment?

All business across the site will favour people living in the local area when comparing applicants for jobs. This will mean that local people will be employed, lowering the unemployment levels in the area and providing investment into the area, through the wages of people. 

As well as this, in the Millennium Mills building, there will be a local skills centre supported by the neighbourhood council/ where people can go to improve different skills in order to find employment.


What type of jobs will be created?

The scheme will create a whole range of jobs for people at all skill levels. The new biotech hub will provide specialised jobs for scientists and other highly qualified professionals.


The retail and attractions area of the site will provide jobs for all levels of people, so people from the local area can apply and work at the site. This will also contribute to a trickle-down investment into the local area as more locals work at the site. 


Jobs as maintenance staff for the site will be available.  


There will also be volunteer jobs available at the Biodome attraction and the maintenance of some of the gardens and plaza around the site.


Social Enterprises









Providing jobs in a new biotech hub

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