The Millennium Mills proposed development with the Biotech hub outlined in red.
On the western side of the site, we are going to create a biology technology centre, which will become a hub for new innovation and research in this sector and will rival other hubs around the world. Furthermore, the location of the site near London City Airport means that the site has got worldwide connections.
The buildings range from one storey at the north of the hub to six at the south of the hub. With there also labs or office in the top six floors of the Millennium Mills building.
Why a Biotech hub?
As we are creating a Biodome attraction at the site, it makes sense to create an area where people can innovate in the same industry.
How this meets our Design Actions?
This helps us to achieve our attraction and mixed-use actions, as it provides jobs to the area and will attract people into the site, for work and to visit the Biodome area.